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Circular Mapping

The mind acts in circular motion.

The impudence of the kin,

The arrogance of the kith,

The  disregard of the near,

The disdain of the dear,

Lasts  not for a year.


They change with the seasons,

Cold is their feeling in Winter,

Friendly is their attitude in Summer,

Endearing is their advance in Spring,

Indifferent is their thought for autumn


They vary with periods of the day,

Pose a smile in the morn,

Look displeased in the afternoon,

Express a sneer in the evening.

Ensue a threat in the night.


Their  endearing and exuberance  persuade

Their shrug and shriek dissuade,

Their jibes and vile intrude

Their provocation and condescension delude,

The mind ,thought and whatever not.


Ever be ready to attack them

Not with weapons but with words,

Let them be scathing and sticky,

Conducting a hurt so brutal and  poignant.

Befitting their taunts and tantrums



By meenas17

A lover of classical Carnatic music.
An avid reader, passionate writer, into stocks and investments for livelihood

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